Dead in Their Tracks
June 21, 2012 - by
It came as a surprise to open the newspaper and read that the United Nations, dead set on one world government, is on the verge of taking away our ‘property rights’ here in North Carolina through a cabal called ‘Agenda 21’ – which, as soon as unsuspecting local officials are done implementing it, will let the UN dictate our zoning laws.
But there’s good news: Pat McCrory’s wise to what the UN rascals are up to – while attending the Republican State Convention he ‘tweeted’ he means to stop Agenda 21 dead in its tracks.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

Dead in Their Tracks
June 21, 2012/

It came as a surprise to open the newspaper and read that the United Nations, dead set on one world government, is on the verge of taking away our ‘property rights’ here in North Carolina through a cabal called ‘Agenda 21’ – which, as soon as unsuspecting local officials are done implementing it, will let the UN dictate our zoning laws.
But there’s good news: Pat McCrory’s wise to what the UN rascals are up to – while attending the Republican State Convention he ‘tweeted’ he means to stop Agenda 21 dead in its tracks.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans