Deacon Burr
August 5, 2010 - by
Senator Richard Burr is a proud graduate of Wake Forest University . He played football there.
Today, in the Senate, he is a proud opponent of wasteful federal spending.
Apparently, he must choose between the two.
John Murawski reports in the N&O that two of Burr’s Senate Republican colleagues, John McCain and Tom Coburn, have judged three research projects at Wake Forest to be “among the 100 most wasteful stimulus-funded projects in the country.” Murawski adds:
“Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem got the dubious honor of three citations on the list. The university is using a $144,541 grant to test the effect of cocaine on monkeys, a $294,958 grant to measure the benefits of yoga to control hot flashes in post-menopausal women, and a $266,505 grant to put on science education workshops for journalists.”
Personally, I strongly support monkeys getting high, women doing yoga and journalists learning about science.
Where do you stand, Richard?

Deacon Burr
August 5, 2010/

Senator Richard Burr is a proud graduate of Wake Forest University . He played football there.
Today, in the Senate, he is a proud opponent of wasteful federal spending.
Apparently, he must choose between the two.
John Murawski reports in the N&O that two of Burr’s Senate Republican colleagues, John McCain and Tom Coburn, have judged three research projects at Wake Forest to be “among the 100 most wasteful stimulus-funded projects in the country.” Murawski adds:
“Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem got the dubious honor of three citations on the list. The university is using a $144,541 grant to test the effect of cocaine on monkeys, a $294,958 grant to measure the benefits of yoga to control hot flashes in post-menopausal women, and a $266,505 grant to put on science education workshops for journalists.”
Personally, I strongly support monkeys getting high, women doing yoga and journalists learning about science.
Where do you stand, Richard?