Cy Lynn
October 29, 2011 - by
The Hunt Alumni lost one of our friends last week. Cy Lynn died. Here’s the N&O obit.
Cy was public affairs director at DOT in Hunt I and II. He handled paid media in Hunt’s 1980 reelection campaign. He went on to work for the community colleges and then the Chamber of Commerce in his hometown of Valdese.
Cy was hilarious, hyperactive and a marathon talker. He worked at DOT with the notoriously voluble Secretary Tom Bradshaw. When the two of them were in a room together, there was barely enough oxygen left to breathe.
When Gwyn and I got married, Cy came equipped with an epic comic poem that left the wedding party howling and my in-laws wondering what the hell their daughter had gotten into. That afternoon, Cy and another long-gone friend, Gene Wang, helped me get into my wedding tux and tie.
Remembering him, I realize you can laugh and cry at the same time.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Cy Lynn
October 29, 2011/

The Hunt Alumni lost one of our friends last week. Cy Lynn died. Here’s the N&O obit.
Cy was public affairs director at DOT in Hunt I and II. He handled paid media in Hunt’s 1980 reelection campaign. He went on to work for the community colleges and then the Chamber of Commerce in his hometown of Valdese.
Cy was hilarious, hyperactive and a marathon talker. He worked at DOT with the notoriously voluble Secretary Tom Bradshaw. When the two of them were in a room together, there was barely enough oxygen left to breathe.
When Gwyn and I got married, Cy came equipped with an epic comic poem that left the wedding party howling and my in-laws wondering what the hell their daughter had gotten into. That afternoon, Cy and another long-gone friend, Gene Wang, helped me get into my wedding tux and tie.
Remembering him, I realize you can laugh and cry at the same time.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats