Crazy Dust

Good Lord – in three new polls Donald Trump is in second place in the Republican primary for President.

Trump trails only Bush in New Hampshire; only Walker in Iowa; and only Bush nationally (Bush 19%; Trump 12%).

Imagine standing in Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or Rand Paul’s shoes: You’ve sweated and strained and sacrificed and Republican voters have looked you over and decided the ‘Donald’s’ a stronger leader than you are and he’ll do a better job fixing the economy. You’re surely shaking your head telling yourself, This, too, will pass. But, at the same time, you can’t escape the suspicion some evil genie popped out of a bottle and spewed crazy-dust all over Republican voters. And you can’t help wondering whether the madness will pass.

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Carter Wrenn



Crazy Dust

Good Lord – in three new polls Donald Trump is in second place in the Republican primary for President.

Trump trails only Bush in New Hampshire; only Walker in Iowa; and only Bush nationally (Bush 19%; Trump 12%).

Imagine standing in Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or Rand Paul’s shoes: You’ve sweated and strained and sacrificed and Republican voters have looked you over and decided the ‘Donald’s’ a stronger leader than you are and he’ll do a better job fixing the economy. You’re surely shaking your head telling yourself, This, too, will pass. But, at the same time, you can’t escape the suspicion some evil genie popped out of a bottle and spewed crazy-dust all over Republican voters. And you can’t help wondering whether the madness will pass.

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Carter Wrenn

