March 2, 2012 - by
Last week when I was standing in the back of the bookstore my cousin Winifred, who’s past eighty and pure steel magnolia, walked through the doorway and made a beeline straight to me and snapped, Were you at that convention?
Last week at the Republican convention the Chairman, Susan Bryant, called Bev Perdue was “the dumbest Governor in America.”
No ma’am, I said, I wasn’t within a mile of the place but I expect except at conventions Mrs. Bryant is a very nice lady.
Winifred, who hasn’t voted for a Democrat since Sam Ervin, lifted her chin.
‘Politics,’ she said, ‘is no excuse for bad manners.’

March 2, 2012/

Last week when I was standing in the back of the bookstore my cousin Winifred, who’s past eighty and pure steel magnolia, walked through the doorway and made a beeline straight to me and snapped, Were you at that convention?
Last week at the Republican convention the Chairman, Susan Bryant, called Bev Perdue was “the dumbest Governor in America.”
No ma’am, I said, I wasn’t within a mile of the place but I expect except at conventions Mrs. Bryant is a very nice lady.
Winifred, who hasn’t voted for a Democrat since Sam Ervin, lifted her chin.
‘Politics,’ she said, ‘is no excuse for bad manners.’