Convention Center Update
The City Council is deciding what kind of tunnel to build to connect Mayor Meeker’s $190 million (and already $12.5 million over budget) Convention Center to an underground parking deck.
The choices are a “no frills” $2.5 million tunnel.
Or a “spruced up” $3.4 million version.
Want to guess which won?
The Council voted to seek bids on the $3.4 million version.
Councilman Thomas Crowder did ask the Council to consider a cheaper version – and the Council agreed to ‘look at it’. ‘Look at it’ is political parlance for it’s dead as a doornail.
Councilman Mike Regan – who’s leaving the Council – made a motion to stop and reconsider “the whole convention center.” Councilman Tommy Craven supported his motion. No one else did. The motion lost 5-2.
Meanwhile, the school board says it needs $5.6 billion. Maybe Councilman Regan should have moved to turn the Convention Center into a high school.

Convention Center Update

The City Council is deciding what kind of tunnel to build to connect Mayor Meeker’s $190 million (and already $12.5 million over budget) Convention Center to an underground parking deck.
The choices are a “no frills” $2.5 million tunnel.
Or a “spruced up” $3.4 million version.
Want to guess which won?
The Council voted to seek bids on the $3.4 million version.
Councilman Thomas Crowder did ask the Council to consider a cheaper version – and the Council agreed to ‘look at it’. ‘Look at it’ is political parlance for it’s dead as a doornail.
Councilman Mike Regan – who’s leaving the Council – made a motion to stop and reconsider “the whole convention center.” Councilman Tommy Craven supported his motion. No one else did. The motion lost 5-2.
Meanwhile, the school board says it needs $5.6 billion. Maybe Councilman Regan should have moved to turn the Convention Center into a high school.