Commence Firing
January 10, 2011 - by
It’s predictable that some Democrats will implicate Sarah Palin and the Tea Party in the Arizona shootings.
It’s predictable that Republicans will accuse those Democrats of seeking to exploit a tragedy perpetrated by a nut.
The unfortunate truth is that in the history of our politics, as Rap Brown once said, violence is as American as apple pie: the Revolution, Civil War, assassinations, violent clashes over Vietnam and civil rights, etc.
And there will always be a debate over blame.
This time, as in the past, the far right inevitably will be blamed by many Americans for fostering an atmosphere of violence. That’s what happens when you loosely toss around language like “reloading,” “coming unarmed – this time” and suggestions that true patriots be prepared to take up arms against the government.
In the 1990s, Bill Clinton began his political turnaround after the Oklahoma City bombing. What will the impact of the juxtaposition of the Arizona shootings and the Republican takeover in Congress?.
As always, it’s the unexpected, the “X Factors,” that do more to determine the course of politics than the carefully laid plans of politicians.

Commence Firing
January 10, 2011/

It’s predictable that some Democrats will implicate Sarah Palin and the Tea Party in the Arizona shootings.
It’s predictable that Republicans will accuse those Democrats of seeking to exploit a tragedy perpetrated by a nut.
The unfortunate truth is that in the history of our politics, as Rap Brown once said, violence is as American as apple pie: the Revolution, Civil War, assassinations, violent clashes over Vietnam and civil rights, etc.
And there will always be a debate over blame.
This time, as in the past, the far right inevitably will be blamed by many Americans for fostering an atmosphere of violence. That’s what happens when you loosely toss around language like “reloading,” “coming unarmed – this time” and suggestions that true patriots be prepared to take up arms against the government.
In the 1990s, Bill Clinton began his political turnaround after the Oklahoma City bombing. What will the impact of the juxtaposition of the Arizona shootings and the Republican takeover in Congress?.
As always, it’s the unexpected, the “X Factors,” that do more to determine the course of politics than the carefully laid plans of politicians.