Coming Unglued
April 27, 2012 - by
I’ve seen candidates say some bizarre things when their campaigns fall apart – but this one has to take the cake. Paul Coble’s actually slamming George Holding for prosecuting Mike Easley and John Edwards – and saying those prosecutions were a waste of taxpayers money. We just entered the twilight zone. Paul’s poll numbers have slipped. And we’re watching his campaign come unglued in front of our eyes.
Link to Article: “Edwards Prosecution is Political and Waste of Taxpayer Funds, GOP House Candidate Says.”
Posted in North Carolina - Republicans, Raleigh

Coming Unglued
April 27, 2012/

I’ve seen candidates say some bizarre things when their campaigns fall apart – but this one has to take the cake. Paul Coble’s actually slamming George Holding for prosecuting Mike Easley and John Edwards – and saying those prosecutions were a waste of taxpayers money. We just entered the twilight zone. Paul’s poll numbers have slipped. And we’re watching his campaign come unglued in front of our eyes.
Link to Article: “Edwards Prosecution is Political and Waste of Taxpayer Funds, GOP House Candidate Says.”
Posted in North Carolina - Republicans, Raleigh