Closing the Post Office
May 19, 2011 - by
Congress is in debt up to its eyeballs and if the government isn’t quite flat-broke it’s just a couple of steps from being flat-broke but it looks like most Americans (and almost all Congressmen) have gotten so addicted to spending it puts Charlie Sheen on a bender to shame.
Take the latest flap here in Raleigh about federal largesse.
The U.S. Post Office Department has been hemorrhaging money for years so, at last, they’re going to cut costs and start closing post offices that lose money. Including the old Century Post Office downtown. A decision that Mayor Meeker denounced as mystifying saying, “It doesn’t make any sense.”
No sense? There’s another post office a mile away.
But, Lord help us, reason should never be allowed to get in the way of sentiment – the Mayor waxed nostalgic opining how the 140 year old post office has served Raleigh through two world wars and added, “We must keep it…”
It’s the most popular American song: I want it. I have to have it. The government ought to buy it for me and it doesn’t faze anyone Congress is going to have to borrow the money to keep two post offices a mile apart open.

Closing the Post Office
May 19, 2011/

Congress is in debt up to its eyeballs and if the government isn’t quite flat-broke it’s just a couple of steps from being flat-broke but it looks like most Americans (and almost all Congressmen) have gotten so addicted to spending it puts Charlie Sheen on a bender to shame.
Take the latest flap here in Raleigh about federal largesse.
The U.S. Post Office Department has been hemorrhaging money for years so, at last, they’re going to cut costs and start closing post offices that lose money. Including the old Century Post Office downtown. A decision that Mayor Meeker denounced as mystifying saying, “It doesn’t make any sense.”
No sense? There’s another post office a mile away.
But, Lord help us, reason should never be allowed to get in the way of sentiment – the Mayor waxed nostalgic opining how the 140 year old post office has served Raleigh through two world wars and added, “We must keep it…”
It’s the most popular American song: I want it. I have to have it. The government ought to buy it for me and it doesn’t faze anyone Congress is going to have to borrow the money to keep two post offices a mile apart open.