Cleanup Crew
July 1, 2010 - by
President Obama rolled out his best 2010 message yesterday at a town hall in Wisconsin . Click here to see one clip that captures it.
The message is simple: The Republicans gave us a mess, and they refuse to help clean it up.
Maybe Obama’s team has learned a lesson: They haven’t played the Blame Game well enough.
Ronald Reagan played it for eight years. Obama can play it at least four.
In The Promise, his book about Obama’s first year, Jonathan Alter quotes a great analogy Obama used – one that Democrats could ride all year.
It’s the mop analogy.
Obama is trying to mop up Bush’s mess: starting a war that didn’t attack the people who attacked us, squandering a budget surplus and turning it into a deficit, and nearly running the economy into a depression.
But Republicans won’t help mop up. They complain about how Obama’s holding the mop. Or they say it looks like a socialist mop.
Coincidentally, congressional Republicans reinforced the message yesterday – not once, but twice. They blocked the financial regulation bill AND extended unemployment benefits.

Cleanup Crew
July 1, 2010/

President Obama rolled out his best 2010 message yesterday at a town hall in Wisconsin . Click here to see one clip that captures it.
The message is simple: The Republicans gave us a mess, and they refuse to help clean it up.
Maybe Obama’s team has learned a lesson: They haven’t played the Blame Game well enough.
Ronald Reagan played it for eight years. Obama can play it at least four.
In The Promise, his book about Obama’s first year, Jonathan Alter quotes a great analogy Obama used – one that Democrats could ride all year.
It’s the mop analogy.
Obama is trying to mop up Bush’s mess: starting a war that didn’t attack the people who attacked us, squandering a budget surplus and turning it into a deficit, and nearly running the economy into a depression.
But Republicans won’t help mop up. They complain about how Obama’s holding the mop. Or they say it looks like a socialist mop.
Coincidentally, congressional Republicans reinforced the message yesterday – not once, but twice. They blocked the financial regulation bill AND extended unemployment benefits.