August 2, 2011 - by
Front-page headlines and much gnashing of teeth greeted the news that a Ukrainian billionaire pulled the plug on the jobs of 1,000 North Carolina chicken plant workers last week.
But the stories missed the irony that a TAPster caught:
“If, instead, a Ukrainian billionaire announced he was building poultry processing plants in central North Carolina that would employ thousands, the state’s environmental terrorists would raise hell and our ‘jobs governor’ would run for cover.
“We tolerate chicken plants and other non-green industries if they’re already here, but heaven forbid if a company wants to invest in our state and that investment is not green, clean or pristine.
“For example, the Wilmington intelligentsia thinks a sustainable economy comes from selling t-shirts on the beach, and has effectively blocked a cement company ready to invest hundreds of millions and put a couple of hundred people to work. The governor’s environmental Nazis used every legal trick to block the plant’s environmental permits and have sent an international message that southeastern NC is off limits to industrial growth.
“Meanwhile, the brain trust in Morehead City thinks the smell of fried fish and poverty is better than the non-smell of a sophisticated sulfur processing facility at the state port that will pump millions into the local economy. Our jobs governor objected to the facility, and blithely ignored the facts: similar facilities around the country don’t smell, Morehead City exists because the port and the railroad were there first, and one of the area’s largest employers and taxpayers wants to make an massive investment in the state.
“Everybody is squawking about how NC has fallen to the very bottom nationally in education funding.
“Get used to it. That’s exactly where it will be for the next generation if our state’s economy is based on tax revenue from t-shirt stands and fried fish platters.”

August 2, 2011/

Front-page headlines and much gnashing of teeth greeted the news that a Ukrainian billionaire pulled the plug on the jobs of 1,000 North Carolina chicken plant workers last week.
But the stories missed the irony that a TAPster caught:
“If, instead, a Ukrainian billionaire announced he was building poultry processing plants in central North Carolina that would employ thousands, the state’s environmental terrorists would raise hell and our ‘jobs governor’ would run for cover.
“We tolerate chicken plants and other non-green industries if they’re already here, but heaven forbid if a company wants to invest in our state and that investment is not green, clean or pristine.
“For example, the Wilmington intelligentsia thinks a sustainable economy comes from selling t-shirts on the beach, and has effectively blocked a cement company ready to invest hundreds of millions and put a couple of hundred people to work. The governor’s environmental Nazis used every legal trick to block the plant’s environmental permits and have sent an international message that southeastern NC is off limits to industrial growth.
“Meanwhile, the brain trust in Morehead City thinks the smell of fried fish and poverty is better than the non-smell of a sophisticated sulfur processing facility at the state port that will pump millions into the local economy. Our jobs governor objected to the facility, and blithely ignored the facts: similar facilities around the country don’t smell, Morehead City exists because the port and the railroad were there first, and one of the area’s largest employers and taxpayers wants to make an massive investment in the state.
“Everybody is squawking about how NC has fallen to the very bottom nationally in education funding.
“Get used to it. That’s exactly where it will be for the next generation if our state’s economy is based on tax revenue from t-shirt stands and fried fish platters.”