Bush makes Cheney Look Good
Do I sound like a typical carping little liberal?
Well, how about Laura Bush, Dick Cheney and Cheney’s daughter Mary?
Over the past few weeks:
- Laura Bush called on Republicans not to use the Family Marriage Amendment as an issue;
- Mary Cheney wrote about her anguish as a gay Republican;
- She described her father’s reaction when she came out: “You’re my daughter. I love you and I want you to be happy;”
- Karl Rove – in desperate rescue mode – throws gay-soline onto Christian Right fires.
In other words, the President ignores decent advice from two of the people closest to him to save his political hide.
Who woulda thunk Darth Cheney would be the liberal here.

Bush makes Cheney Look Good

Do I sound like a typical carping little liberal?
Well, how about Laura Bush, Dick Cheney and Cheney’s daughter Mary?
Over the past few weeks:
- Laura Bush called on Republicans not to use the Family Marriage Amendment as an issue;
- Mary Cheney wrote about her anguish as a gay Republican;
- She described her father’s reaction when she came out: “You’re my daughter. I love you and I want you to be happy;”
- Karl Rove – in desperate rescue mode – throws gay-soline onto Christian Right fires.
In other words, the President ignores decent advice from two of the people closest to him to save his political hide.
Who woulda thunk Darth Cheney would be the liberal here.