Burr’s Future
August 4, 2009 - by
Richard Burr probably didn’t want to be running for reelection to the Senate next year. He hoped to be sitting in John McCain’s Cabinet. Or maybe presiding over the Senate as Vice President.
Why else did he campaign in the snows of New Hampshire – without socks – for McCain?
Alas, McCain picked Sarah Palin, the economy crashed and the rest is infamy.
So now Burr has to fight to be the first North Carolina Senator in over 40 years to win reelection – except for Jesse Helms. And, Senator Burr: I knew Jesse Helms. I worked against Jesse Helms. Jesse Helms was no friend of mine. And you’re no Jesse Helms.
For good and bad.
Burr has a reputation as a quiet, hard-working Senator. A lot of the hard work, apparently, goes on in the Senate gym. By all reports, he keeps himself looking good.
I thought Burr had a pretty good chance to flummox Democrats on the Sotomayor nomination. She clearly will be confirmed. Foxy GOP Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina voted for her. If he had done the same thing, Burr could have polished some moderate credentials.
He apparently is too much under the thumb of the NRA and GOP wing nuts.
But Burr could luck out again. He lucked out when he ran for Congress, swept in by the 1994 tide. He lucked out against Erskine Bowles in 2004, swept in by the Bush tide. He may get kept in by an anti-Obama tide in 2010.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans
Burr’s Future
August 4, 2009/
Richard Burr probably didn’t want to be running for reelection to the Senate next year. He hoped to be sitting in John McCain’s Cabinet. Or maybe presiding over the Senate as Vice President.
Why else did he campaign in the snows of New Hampshire – without socks – for McCain?
Alas, McCain picked Sarah Palin, the economy crashed and the rest is infamy.
So now Burr has to fight to be the first North Carolina Senator in over 40 years to win reelection – except for Jesse Helms. And, Senator Burr: I knew Jesse Helms. I worked against Jesse Helms. Jesse Helms was no friend of mine. And you’re no Jesse Helms.
For good and bad.
Burr has a reputation as a quiet, hard-working Senator. A lot of the hard work, apparently, goes on in the Senate gym. By all reports, he keeps himself looking good.
I thought Burr had a pretty good chance to flummox Democrats on the Sotomayor nomination. She clearly will be confirmed. Foxy GOP Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina voted for her. If he had done the same thing, Burr could have polished some moderate credentials.
He apparently is too much under the thumb of the NRA and GOP wing nuts.
But Burr could luck out again. He lucked out when he ran for Congress, swept in by the 1994 tide. He lucked out against Erskine Bowles in 2004, swept in by the Bush tide. He may get kept in by an anti-Obama tide in 2010.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans