Buck Up, Brad
This is a piece of advice that I hope finds its way to my Congressman, Brad Miller.
Brad, Americans love happy warriors. Think Roosevelt,
We do not go for mopers and whiners. Think Dole (Bob),
This week, Brad, I talked to two friends who attended recent fundraisers for you – one here and one in
Both described you the same way: morose, dejected and droopy-faced over the terrible things
Get over it. Put on your fighting armor and a big smile. Stop whining and start fighting.
Because Americans also respect a public figure who’s not afraid of a confrontation – especially when it’s about something important.
Elections really aren’t about issues. They’re about personalities.
And winning personalities win.

Buck Up, Brad

This is a piece of advice that I hope finds its way to my Congressman, Brad Miller.
Brad, Americans love happy warriors. Think Roosevelt,
We do not go for mopers and whiners. Think Dole (Bob),
This week, Brad, I talked to two friends who attended recent fundraisers for you – one here and one in
Both described you the same way: morose, dejected and droopy-faced over the terrible things
Get over it. Put on your fighting armor and a big smile. Stop whining and start fighting.
Because Americans also respect a public figure who’s not afraid of a confrontation – especially when it’s about something important.
Elections really aren’t about issues. They’re about personalities.
And winning personalities win.