Bowled Over
December 28, 2011 - by
Lisa Piercy was right when she tweeted: “There are too many bowl games.”
I figured that out as I sat freezing in temperatures in the 40s and winds in the 30s at the Belk Bowl. (When I tweeted about where I was, a friend replied: “Where are you sitting: Men’s wear, shoes, jewelry???”)
Used to be, there were four bowl games – all on New Year’s Day: Cotton, Sugar, Rose and Orange. Then the Gator Bowl on New Year’s Eve. All in warm places.
Then Atlanta got in the act with the Peach Bowl and Memphis the Liberty Bowl and on and on until today we have the Beef O’Brady Bowl and the AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl.
Cities must love bowl games, because they don’t seem kind to their sponsors. The Belk Bowl used to be the Meineke Car Care Bowl and, before that, the Continental Tire Bowl.
At least the Wolfpack won. And it was a great game. Not like the last one I went to: the Papa John’s Bowl in Birmingham, Alabama, the Most Depressing City in America – unless you like visiting statues of Vulcan and touring sites of civil rights bombings and beatings.
Next year, I’m pulling for State to be a lot better – and play someplace warm. Otherwise, I’m watching it from home.
Posted in General

Bowled Over
December 28, 2011/

Lisa Piercy was right when she tweeted: “There are too many bowl games.”
I figured that out as I sat freezing in temperatures in the 40s and winds in the 30s at the Belk Bowl. (When I tweeted about where I was, a friend replied: “Where are you sitting: Men’s wear, shoes, jewelry???”)
Used to be, there were four bowl games – all on New Year’s Day: Cotton, Sugar, Rose and Orange. Then the Gator Bowl on New Year’s Eve. All in warm places.
Then Atlanta got in the act with the Peach Bowl and Memphis the Liberty Bowl and on and on until today we have the Beef O’Brady Bowl and the AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl.
Cities must love bowl games, because they don’t seem kind to their sponsors. The Belk Bowl used to be the Meineke Car Care Bowl and, before that, the Continental Tire Bowl.
At least the Wolfpack won. And it was a great game. Not like the last one I went to: the Papa John’s Bowl in Birmingham, Alabama, the Most Depressing City in America – unless you like visiting statues of Vulcan and touring sites of civil rights bombings and beatings.
Next year, I’m pulling for State to be a lot better – and play someplace warm. Otherwise, I’m watching it from home.
Posted in General