Boone on the Rise
November 8, 2013 - by
It’s one town and one election, but it was one hell of a shot in the arm for an old Democratic war horse like me.
A dedicated, sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated crew of young organizers and Appalachian State students helped sweep the Boone Town Council races for a slate of progressive, forward-looking candidates, including Andy Ball for Mayor.
This, mind you, at ground zero of the Republican Party’s voter-suppression campaign.
I was there Tuesday night to watch them celebrate their win. I take special pride because our daughter, Maggie, is one of the crew (and she’s the new finance director of the Watauga County Democratic Party!) She was one of an impressive band of brothers and sisters who did the hard, time-consuming and often-thankless work of turning out voters.
They were led by two brilliant young organizers, Jesse Allen Presnell and Ian O’Keefe. They brought together young and young-at-heart warriors, including wise vets like Jerry Wayne Williamson.
If anybody doubts the future of North Carolina Democrats, go to Boone.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Boone on the Rise
November 8, 2013/

It’s one town and one election, but it was one hell of a shot in the arm for an old Democratic war horse like me.
A dedicated, sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated crew of young organizers and Appalachian State students helped sweep the Boone Town Council races for a slate of progressive, forward-looking candidates, including Andy Ball for Mayor.
This, mind you, at ground zero of the Republican Party’s voter-suppression campaign.
I was there Tuesday night to watch them celebrate their win. I take special pride because our daughter, Maggie, is one of the crew (and she’s the new finance director of the Watauga County Democratic Party!) She was one of an impressive band of brothers and sisters who did the hard, time-consuming and often-thankless work of turning out voters.
They were led by two brilliant young organizers, Jesse Allen Presnell and Ian O’Keefe. They brought together young and young-at-heart warriors, including wise vets like Jerry Wayne Williamson.
If anybody doubts the future of North Carolina Democrats, go to Boone.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats