In Trump’s America, every day is Halloween.
His political MO is fear. He sees ghosts, goblins and boogeymen everywhere. His rallies stoke fear and loathing. He can’t even sustain a forced show of empathy for mass-shooting victims; his Twitter finger itches to get back to picking on somebody or just picking at scabs.
He’ll never change. He won’t tone it down; he’ll “tone it up.” The question is how long the American people will stand for it. And how long Republicans will stand by him.
Some Republicans have taken lately to calling for “civility.” Huh? They’re calling for “civility,” but burying their heads and ignoring the worst incivility since Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was at Joe McCarthy’s side.
While Trump rails about non-existent immigrant “invasions” and Soros-inspired “globalist” (read “Jewish”) conspiracies, America reels from a Trump-inspired mail bomber and a gunman determined to kill as many Jews as he could.
Words have power. Words have consequences. And elections have consequences.
October is Trump’s month. It’s scary, just like him.
Let’s make November America’s month.


In Trump’s America, every day is Halloween.
His political MO is fear. He sees ghosts, goblins and boogeymen everywhere. His rallies stoke fear and loathing. He can’t even sustain a forced show of empathy for mass-shooting victims; his Twitter finger itches to get back to picking on somebody or just picking at scabs.
He’ll never change. He won’t tone it down; he’ll “tone it up.” The question is how long the American people will stand for it. And how long Republicans will stand by him.
Some Republicans have taken lately to calling for “civility.” Huh? They’re calling for “civility,” but burying their heads and ignoring the worst incivility since Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn, was at Joe McCarthy’s side.
While Trump rails about non-existent immigrant “invasions” and Soros-inspired “globalist” (read “Jewish”) conspiracies, America reels from a Trump-inspired mail bomber and a gunman determined to kill as many Jews as he could.
Words have power. Words have consequences. And elections have consequences.
October is Trump’s month. It’s scary, just like him.
Let’s make November America’s month.