Bonehead Plays
April 21, 2011 - by
It’s baseball season, and all across our land fans are enjoying hits, runs – and errors.
So it is in politics in North Carolina. Herewith, our Top 3 of the week.
Number 1, of course, has to be the pileup of errors by Governor Perdue and her staff over her whereabouts when the tornados hit Saturday.
You can see how it happened. When tragedy struck, the Governor knew she needed to get home. But she and her staff feared it would look bad if people found out she was at a horse race. So they carefully parsed their words.
Unfortunately – according to a Republican critic of the Governor – an N&O reporter was on the same plane she took back to Raleigh.
Then her staff had the temerity to be “shocked” at the media for “picking apart words” when people were killed.
Well, they had picked their words pretty carefully, so they should expect them to be picked back apart.
But we can’t let the Republicans off.
GOP Bonehead Play No. 1 was saying 37,000 jobless people couldn’t get their unemployment unless Republicans get their way on the budget.
Then a Republican legislator puts in a bill to spend $1 million – how many teachers would that pay? – for a covered walkway between the two legislative buildings.
Literally, a bridge to and from nowhere.
As a blogger who wakes up every morning wondering what I can offer eager readers, I express my sincere appreciation to both parties for making it so easy.

Bonehead Plays
April 21, 2011/

It’s baseball season, and all across our land fans are enjoying hits, runs – and errors.
So it is in politics in North Carolina. Herewith, our Top 3 of the week.
Number 1, of course, has to be the pileup of errors by Governor Perdue and her staff over her whereabouts when the tornados hit Saturday.
You can see how it happened. When tragedy struck, the Governor knew she needed to get home. But she and her staff feared it would look bad if people found out she was at a horse race. So they carefully parsed their words.
Unfortunately – according to a Republican critic of the Governor – an N&O reporter was on the same plane she took back to Raleigh.
Then her staff had the temerity to be “shocked” at the media for “picking apart words” when people were killed.
Well, they had picked their words pretty carefully, so they should expect them to be picked back apart.
But we can’t let the Republicans off.
GOP Bonehead Play No. 1 was saying 37,000 jobless people couldn’t get their unemployment unless Republicans get their way on the budget.
Then a Republican legislator puts in a bill to spend $1 million – how many teachers would that pay? – for a covered walkway between the two legislative buildings.
Literally, a bridge to and from nowhere.
As a blogger who wakes up every morning wondering what I can offer eager readers, I express my sincere appreciation to both parties for making it so easy.