Bombs Away!

Carter made an apt analogy Friday about the presidential race: It’s the fourth quarter, John McCain is two touchdowns behind and he has to score.

The race is not over. But if McCain doesn’t change the momentum in the next two weeks, it will be over.

So, once again, Mad Bomber McCain has turned the campaign over to his wing woman, Sarah Palin. Her latest strafing run ties Obama to William Ayers, the Weather Underground bomber.

In last week’s debate Palin chided Joe Biden for wanting to talk about the past instead of the future. That apparently is past.

It was stupid for Obama to ever have any dealings with Ayers. Now he has to distance himself from Ayers just like he did from Jeremiah Wright. Maybe remind people that all that was 40 years ago, when Obama was about eight. And ask if the Vietnam generation will ever stop fighting over the 1960s.

Obama also can – and has – brought up a name from McCain’s past: Charles Keating. In today’s bank bailout scandal, it makes sense to bring up the savings and loan scandals.

Palin’s attack has the whiff of George W. Bush’s claim in 1992 that Bill Clinton had gone on some clandestine mission to Moscow: desperation.

Days later, it is clear that Palin may have exceeded her limited expectations in the vice-presidential debate, but she did little to help McCain turn around the race. The more you watch her answers, the more you sense a trained TV sportscaster stringing together words and phrases her handlers packed into her during debate prep. You get no sense of a real intelligence at work. She makes a mockery of McCain’s slogan: Country First. More like: My political hide first.

Joe Biden’s performance looks better with time. He hammered “maverick” McCain. He hung Bush around McCain’s neck. And he showed a glimpse of a genuine human being when he choked up talking about his sons’ brush with death.

The mere fact that Obama was in North Carolina this weekend – and Palin is coming – shows why Republicans are worried.

The most absurd thing I saw this weekend is the McCain campaign’s hope that – with the bailout bill enacted – Americans now will “turn the page” on the economy. Unfortunately, the economy isn’t turning the page on us.

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Gary Pearce



Bombs Away!

Carter made an apt analogy Friday about the presidential race: It’s the fourth quarter, John McCain is two touchdowns behind and he has to score.

The race is not over. But if McCain doesn’t change the momentum in the next two weeks, it will be over.

So, once again, Mad Bomber McCain has turned the campaign over to his wing woman, Sarah Palin. Her latest strafing run ties Obama to William Ayers, the Weather Underground bomber.

In last week’s debate Palin chided Joe Biden for wanting to talk about the past instead of the future. That apparently is past.

It was stupid for Obama to ever have any dealings with Ayers. Now he has to distance himself from Ayers just like he did from Jeremiah Wright. Maybe remind people that all that was 40 years ago, when Obama was about eight. And ask if the Vietnam generation will ever stop fighting over the 1960s.

Obama also can – and has – brought up a name from McCain’s past: Charles Keating. In today’s bank bailout scandal, it makes sense to bring up the savings and loan scandals.

Palin’s attack has the whiff of George W. Bush’s claim in 1992 that Bill Clinton had gone on some clandestine mission to Moscow: desperation.

Days later, it is clear that Palin may have exceeded her limited expectations in the vice-presidential debate, but she did little to help McCain turn around the race. The more you watch her answers, the more you sense a trained TV sportscaster stringing together words and phrases her handlers packed into her during debate prep. You get no sense of a real intelligence at work. She makes a mockery of McCain’s slogan: Country First. More like: My political hide first.

Joe Biden’s performance looks better with time. He hammered “maverick” McCain. He hung Bush around McCain’s neck. And he showed a glimpse of a genuine human being when he choked up talking about his sons’ brush with death.

The mere fact that Obama was in North Carolina this weekend – and Palin is coming – shows why Republicans are worried.

The most absurd thing I saw this weekend is the McCain campaign’s hope that – with the bailout bill enacted – Americans now will “turn the page” on the economy. Unfortunately, the economy isn’t turning the page on us.

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Gary Pearce

