Boehner’s Forgotten Promise
April 11, 2011 - by
The press – from CBS News to Human Events – has been singing House Speaker John Boehner’s praises as the conqueror of Barack Obama and Harry Reid – the Speaker they say ‘out-fought,’ ‘out-smarted’ and ‘out-negotiated’ the Democrats. (Whoever heard of out-negotiating a Democrat?)
Meantime, oddly, not a word has been said about Speaker Boehner’s forgotten promise: How, last fall before the election he pledged in his heralded ‘Contract with America’ to cut government spending a $100 billion – a promise quietly forgotten after the election. Which shrank from $100 billion to $60 billion then to $38 billion last night.

Boehner’s Forgotten Promise
April 11, 2011/

The press – from CBS News to Human Events – has been singing House Speaker John Boehner’s praises as the conqueror of Barack Obama and Harry Reid – the Speaker they say ‘out-fought,’ ‘out-smarted’ and ‘out-negotiated’ the Democrats. (Whoever heard of out-negotiating a Democrat?)
Meantime, oddly, not a word has been said about Speaker Boehner’s forgotten promise: How, last fall before the election he pledged in his heralded ‘Contract with America’ to cut government spending a $100 billion – a promise quietly forgotten after the election. Which shrank from $100 billion to $60 billion then to $38 billion last night.