Bob Etheridge and Reason
February 8, 2012 - by
Last week when former-Congressman and newly-announced-candidate-for-Governor Bob Etheridge was asked if he would support the Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage he said that decision was in the people’s hands and he was 100% for whatever the people decided because the people were always right.
Yesterday, Etheridge lost his faith in the people. He announced he was against the amendment.
Common sense and prudence might have whispered to Etheridge to stop there and stop digging the hole deeper. But he didn’t. Because in the next breath he straddled the fence, again, saying “he opposed gay marriages.”
In less than five minutes Bob Etheridge said he was against both gay marriage and against an amendment banning gay marriage.
It’s amazing what 14 years in Congress can to do a fellow’s faculty for reasoning.
Posted in North Carolina - Democrats, Raleigh

Bob Etheridge and Reason
February 8, 2012/

Last week when former-Congressman and newly-announced-candidate-for-Governor Bob Etheridge was asked if he would support the Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage he said that decision was in the people’s hands and he was 100% for whatever the people decided because the people were always right.
Yesterday, Etheridge lost his faith in the people. He announced he was against the amendment.
Common sense and prudence might have whispered to Etheridge to stop there and stop digging the hole deeper. But he didn’t. Because in the next breath he straddled the fence, again, saying “he opposed gay marriages.”
In less than five minutes Bob Etheridge said he was against both gay marriage and against an amendment banning gay marriage.
It’s amazing what 14 years in Congress can to do a fellow’s faculty for reasoning.
Posted in North Carolina - Democrats, Raleigh