The same way people once frowned on insults and name calling, there was a time in our country when people frowned on bragging. Ronald Reagan never bragged about winning the Cold War and Obama didn’t boast about how many times he’d been on the cover of Time magazine. But those days are past.
A reporter asked President Trump which experts he consulted and Trump stopped and said, “Myself, number one, because I have a very good brain.” At other times, in other places, Trump has boasted, “My IQ is one of the highest.” “I’m like really smart…a very stable genius.” And “I’m intelligent. Some people would say I’m very, very, very intelligent.”
Trump’s also boasted he’s the best at whatever he does, from making money to being a star on TV, and once he boasted, “I’ve been on the cover of Time 14 or 15 times” – though he hadn’t.
Bragging was once taboo – but no more. Bragging, to Trump, is a strength that lifts him up and takes him a step closer to his goal and surely, as we saw happen with insults, others, mimicking Trump, will follow in his footsteps.


The same way people once frowned on insults and name calling, there was a time in our country when people frowned on bragging. Ronald Reagan never bragged about winning the Cold War and Obama didn’t boast about how many times he’d been on the cover of Time magazine. But those days are past.
A reporter asked President Trump which experts he consulted and Trump stopped and said, “Myself, number one, because I have a very good brain.” At other times, in other places, Trump has boasted, “My IQ is one of the highest.” “I’m like really smart…a very stable genius.” And “I’m intelligent. Some people would say I’m very, very, very intelligent.”
Trump’s also boasted he’s the best at whatever he does, from making money to being a star on TV, and once he boasted, “I’ve been on the cover of Time 14 or 15 times” – though he hadn’t.
Bragging was once taboo – but no more. Bragging, to Trump, is a strength that lifts him up and takes him a step closer to his goal and surely, as we saw happen with insults, others, mimicking Trump, will follow in his footsteps.