Blowing Your Own Foot Off
Trying to put the icing on his comeback as a leader in the Senate, Trent Lott led the fight to pass President Bush’s Immigration Bill. He failed. Then grumped: “Talk radio is running America.” Then he suggested bringing back the Fairness Doctrine (McClatchy, 7-9-07).
So we have a Republican Senate Leader proposing to muzzle Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly. What kind of sense does that make? The Democratic Senators must not have been able to believe their ears. But before they take Senator Lott’s advice at face value they may want to consider the law of unintended consequences.
What if Democrats put in a bill to restore the Fairness Doctrine, then President Bush says, Sure, but I’ll veto it unless it includes the Internet. Is everyone with a liberal blog or website ripping President Bush going to have to offer Republicans “equal time” to respond? Can you imagine the howl of outrage when liberal bloggers find it’s their Freedom of Speech being trampled on? And not Rush Limbaugh’s?
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Blowing Your Own Foot Off

Trying to put the icing on his comeback as a leader in the Senate, Trent Lott led the fight to pass President Bush’s Immigration Bill. He failed. Then grumped: “Talk radio is running America.” Then he suggested bringing back the Fairness Doctrine (McClatchy, 7-9-07).
So we have a Republican Senate Leader proposing to muzzle Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly. What kind of sense does that make? The Democratic Senators must not have been able to believe their ears. But before they take Senator Lott’s advice at face value they may want to consider the law of unintended consequences.
What if Democrats put in a bill to restore the Fairness Doctrine, then President Bush says, Sure, but I’ll veto it unless it includes the Internet. Is everyone with a liberal blog or website ripping President Bush going to have to offer Republicans “equal time” to respond? Can you imagine the howl of outrage when liberal bloggers find it’s their Freedom of Speech being trampled on? And not Rush Limbaugh’s?
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