Blogs and Sharp Elbows
Like children,
presidential candidates can get into trouble on the Internet. Ask John Edwards.
His campaign spent several
days dealing with a contretemps over two campaign bloggers who – on their
personal blogs – had said unkind things about the Catholic Church. The story made it to the front page of The New York Times Friday.
Anytime you open the
doors and windows to let in fresh air, you’re going to get some flies. So you better have good screens.
said you can’t vet everything every blogger in your campaign said. Well, if you don’t, your opponent will.
And this episode may
say something about Hillary Clinton’s ability to play hardball.
Edwards – who likes
playing basketball – threw some sharp elbows at Hillary and Barack Obama on
Now Edwards has been
on the receiving end of three shots himself: over the sale of his
Hillary’s got elbows
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Blogs and Sharp Elbows

Like children,
presidential candidates can get into trouble on the Internet. Ask John Edwards.
His campaign spent several
days dealing with a contretemps over two campaign bloggers who – on their
personal blogs – had said unkind things about the Catholic Church. The story made it to the front page of The New York Times Friday.
Anytime you open the
doors and windows to let in fresh air, you’re going to get some flies. So you better have good screens.
said you can’t vet everything every blogger in your campaign said. Well, if you don’t, your opponent will.
And this episode may
say something about Hillary Clinton’s ability to play hardball.
Edwards – who likes
playing basketball – threw some sharp elbows at Hillary and Barack Obama on
Now Edwards has been
on the receiving end of three shots himself: over the sale of his
Hillary’s got elbows
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.