Blind Dumb Luck…
December 30, 2011 - by
A week ago, I thought, It’s too farfetched – Rick Santorum rising in the polls in Iowa would be like blind dumb luck or lightning striking.
All year with pure steadfastness a quarter of the Republican voters have stuck by Mitt Romney though thick and thin. But they’ve been the only thing steadfast in this Primary.
The non-Romney Republicans have – perhaps out of desperation – reversed the logical order of things: They choose a candidate. Then study his record. The result has been a kind of wild cycle of: Commitment, followed by euphoria, followed by disappointment, followed by collapse of Michelle Bachmann then Rick Perry then Herman Cain.
Finally, Newt’s turn came and the cycle didn’t change but it did speed up – in one breath the non-Romney voters propelled Newt into the lead and in the next abandoned him. Then it was Ron Paul’s turn.
Paul soared into the lead in Iowa and everyone stopped attacking Newt and started attacking Paul and that’s when lightning struck – a new CNN poll shows Rick Santorum charging past Gingrich into third place and the blind dumb luck (for Santorum) may be there’s just not enough time left before the Iowa Caucus for another collapse

Blind Dumb Luck…
December 30, 2011/

A week ago, I thought, It’s too farfetched – Rick Santorum rising in the polls in Iowa would be like blind dumb luck or lightning striking.
All year with pure steadfastness a quarter of the Republican voters have stuck by Mitt Romney though thick and thin. But they’ve been the only thing steadfast in this Primary.
The non-Romney Republicans have – perhaps out of desperation – reversed the logical order of things: They choose a candidate. Then study his record. The result has been a kind of wild cycle of: Commitment, followed by euphoria, followed by disappointment, followed by collapse of Michelle Bachmann then Rick Perry then Herman Cain.
Finally, Newt’s turn came and the cycle didn’t change but it did speed up – in one breath the non-Romney voters propelled Newt into the lead and in the next abandoned him. Then it was Ron Paul’s turn.
Paul soared into the lead in Iowa and everyone stopped attacking Newt and started attacking Paul and that’s when lightning struck – a new CNN poll shows Rick Santorum charging past Gingrich into third place and the blind dumb luck (for Santorum) may be there’s just not enough time left before the Iowa Caucus for another collapse