Blind Dumb Luck?
Here’s how Presidential campaigns work: We put a candidate on a pedestal, strip off his clothes and let anyone who wants to beat on him with a cudgel – then we see how he reacts. Like trial by ordeal it’s brutal but whoever survives is probably tough enough to be President. The only way a candidate escapes the ordeal is to never move above 2% in the polls.
Mike Huckabee is now the candidate on the pedestal.
I guess in a perfect campaign Governor Huckabee would have had his fifteen minutes of fame just before the
What launched Huckabee was soaring past Mitt Romney in the
The other candidates, of course, hope Huckabee’s bubble will burst under the onslaught. If he does Fred Thompson may pick up the votes falling off Huckabee and have his fifteen minutes of fame at a more perfect time – closer to the election; or a Huckabee collapse may open the door for Romney to rebound into the lead.
So, now, for Huckabee the question is can he survive three weeks of pummeling and win
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Blind Dumb Luck?

Here’s how Presidential campaigns work: We put a candidate on a pedestal, strip off his clothes and let anyone who wants to beat on him with a cudgel – then we see how he reacts. Like trial by ordeal it’s brutal but whoever survives is probably tough enough to be President. The only way a candidate escapes the ordeal is to never move above 2% in the polls.
Mike Huckabee is now the candidate on the pedestal.
I guess in a perfect campaign Governor Huckabee would have had his fifteen minutes of fame just before the
What launched Huckabee was soaring past Mitt Romney in the
The other candidates, of course, hope Huckabee’s bubble will burst under the onslaught. If he does Fred Thompson may pick up the votes falling off Huckabee and have his fifteen minutes of fame at a more perfect time – closer to the election; or a Huckabee collapse may open the door for Romney to rebound into the lead.
So, now, for Huckabee the question is can he survive three weeks of pummeling and win
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