Blame the Republicans
June 4, 2010 - by
The White House needs to go on offense on the Gulf oil spill.
Democrats, all too often, are weenies when it comes to political combat. They want to be fair, see all sides and over-intellectualize.
It’s time for a go-for-the-gut message: Blame the Republicans.
Here’s how it goes:
This all started 30 years ago when Ronald Reagan said government is the problem, not the solution. Now all these latter-day Reaganites like Bobby Jindal want government to be the solution.
For 20 of the last 30 years, we’ve had Republican presidents. This spill is the consequence of their energy and regulatory philosophies.
For 12 of those years, we had Presidents who were Texas oilmen.
Dick Cheney ran Halliburton. He stocked the regulatory agencies with Halliburton people. Now his old flack is a BP flack.
Speaking of Broken Pipe, they’re still spreading money around the GOP caucus in Congress.
The Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates paraded around the country last year chanting “Drill, baby, drill.”
We’ve been down that road – or pipe. We drilled. We deregulated. We unleashed the private sector.
We even went to war for oil – twice.
This is one more Republican mess President Obama has to clean up. First an economy in collapse. Then a failed health care system. Then the crooks on Wall Street.
Do you really want to put that crowd back in charge?
Blame the Republicans
June 4, 2010/
The White House needs to go on offense on the Gulf oil spill.
Democrats, all too often, are weenies when it comes to political combat. They want to be fair, see all sides and over-intellectualize.
It’s time for a go-for-the-gut message: Blame the Republicans.
Here’s how it goes:
This all started 30 years ago when Ronald Reagan said government is the problem, not the solution. Now all these latter-day Reaganites like Bobby Jindal want government to be the solution.
For 20 of the last 30 years, we’ve had Republican presidents. This spill is the consequence of their energy and regulatory philosophies.
For 12 of those years, we had Presidents who were Texas oilmen.
Dick Cheney ran Halliburton. He stocked the regulatory agencies with Halliburton people. Now his old flack is a BP flack.
Speaking of Broken Pipe, they’re still spreading money around the GOP caucus in Congress.
The Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates paraded around the country last year chanting “Drill, baby, drill.”
We’ve been down that road – or pipe. We drilled. We deregulated. We unleashed the private sector.
We even went to war for oil – twice.
This is one more Republican mess President Obama has to clean up. First an economy in collapse. Then a failed health care system. Then the crooks on Wall Street.
Do you really want to put that crowd back in charge?