Birthday Blooper
May 20, 2011 - by
I take great pride in my fact-checking, proofreading and copy-editing. After all, my first grown-up job at the N&O was as a copy editor. (I started out as a copyboy, which is newsroom-speak for errand boy.)
And I had taken great pride that, since its publication in November, no one had found a typo in my biography of Governor Hunt.
No more.
I let one get by, and it’s a beaut.
I got his birthday wrong. It’s May 16, not May 18 (page 14).
I can’t tell you how many times I missed that in proofing the manuscript. And I knew his birthday is the 16th.
Here’s how I found out about the typo. A friend’s daughter was reading the book (which makes me happy). She told her father, who had worked with Governor Hunt, that his birthday was Wednesday. So he promptly called the Governor to wish him Happy Birthday. Thanks, the Governor said, but that was Monday.
So I’m red-faced. But there is an upside. I get to post another blog promoting the book. And I get the opportunity to wish Governor Hunt a happy 74th birthday.
Many happy returns to you!
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Birthday Blooper
May 20, 2011/

I take great pride in my fact-checking, proofreading and copy-editing. After all, my first grown-up job at the N&O was as a copy editor. (I started out as a copyboy, which is newsroom-speak for errand boy.)
And I had taken great pride that, since its publication in November, no one had found a typo in my biography of Governor Hunt.
No more.
I let one get by, and it’s a beaut.
I got his birthday wrong. It’s May 16, not May 18 (page 14).
I can’t tell you how many times I missed that in proofing the manuscript. And I knew his birthday is the 16th.
Here’s how I found out about the typo. A friend’s daughter was reading the book (which makes me happy). She told her father, who had worked with Governor Hunt, that his birthday was Wednesday. So he promptly called the Governor to wish him Happy Birthday. Thanks, the Governor said, but that was Monday.
So I’m red-faced. But there is an upside. I get to post another blog promoting the book. And I get the opportunity to wish Governor Hunt a happy 74th birthday.
Many happy returns to you!
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats