Birth of the Boaters
October 27, 2011 - by
A Republican friend tells me that Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the GOP’s star of the future: the perfect 2012 running and/or perfect candidate for President in 2016.
So – to go with the Birther movement that questions whether President Obama is really from around here – Democrats need to launch a Boater movement to delve into questions about when Rubio’s parents came here from Cuba.
If you missed it, there has been a national media flap over the matter. The Washington Post started it, then Rubio replied.
Apparently, Rubio had said for years his parents came here after Castro took over in 1959. It turns out now they came here in 1956 – before the Castro takeover.
Boaters need to demand answers. Why the discrepancy in dates? Why the changing stories? Where is the long-form certificate proving when his parents came over?
Actually, I don’t think this is a big deal. But if Barack Obama had misstated by three years the date when his father came here from Kenya, Fox News would be in a lather and the House would be issuing subpoenas.

Birth of the Boaters
October 27, 2011/

A Republican friend tells me that Florida Senator Marco Rubio is the GOP’s star of the future: the perfect 2012 running and/or perfect candidate for President in 2016.
So – to go with the Birther movement that questions whether President Obama is really from around here – Democrats need to launch a Boater movement to delve into questions about when Rubio’s parents came here from Cuba.
If you missed it, there has been a national media flap over the matter. The Washington Post started it, then Rubio replied.
Apparently, Rubio had said for years his parents came here after Castro took over in 1959. It turns out now they came here in 1956 – before the Castro takeover.
Boaters need to demand answers. Why the discrepancy in dates? Why the changing stories? Where is the long-form certificate proving when his parents came over?
Actually, I don’t think this is a big deal. But if Barack Obama had misstated by three years the date when his father came here from Kenya, Fox News would be in a lather and the House would be issuing subpoenas.