Biden Politics

Biden opened the border, plummeted in polls, trailed Trump – about facing got tougher on the border.

Next he got hit by backlash coming from angry progressives – holding out an olive branch, straddling the fence, he handed half a million illegal immigrants, who’d married Americans, a way to stay and a pathway to citizenship.

It’s hard to argue letting an American’s spouse stay is wrong – but, at the same time, going in two directions at once is typical Biden politics: He was 100% behind Israel when its war with Hamas started – protests erupted, about facing he said Israel had gone too far. He tilted tougher on immigration – then tilted the other way.

That’s politics in Biden world: The wind changes, Biden shifts with the wind.

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Carter Wrenn




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Biden Politics


Biden opened the border, plummeted in polls, trailed Trump – about facing got tougher on the border.

Next he got hit by backlash coming from angry progressives – holding out an olive branch, straddling the fence, he handed half a million illegal immigrants, who’d married Americans, a way to stay and a pathway to citizenship.

It’s hard to argue letting an American’s spouse stay is wrong – but, at the same time, going in two directions at once is typical Biden politics: He was 100% behind Israel when its war with Hamas started – protests erupted, about facing he said Israel had gone too far. He tilted tougher on immigration – then tilted the other way.

That’s politics in Biden world: The wind changes, Biden shifts with the wind.

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Carter Wrenn

