Bicoastal GOP?
With the passing of Jerry Falwell and the rise of Rudy Giuliani, is the Republican Party moving to the center while the Democratic Party moves to the left?
That’s my nightmare scenario. Because the party of the center usually wins: witness Republicans in the 70s and 80s and Democrats in the 90s.
I’ve reassured myself that’s there no way the GOP will nominate a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, squishy-on-abortion presidential candidate. But why does Rudy keep leading the polls?
Now there’s more reason to worry because of
Everybody knows about
But not as many know about what Charlie Crist is doing to follow Jeb Bush in
The result: Crist has approval ratings in the 70s. And he’s being talked about as a national candidate – something the Austrian-born
Crist figured out how to win election in
When the other side starts stealing your issues, you can take it as a compliment. Or take it as a threat to be watched. We’d better watch.
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Bicoastal GOP?

With the passing of Jerry Falwell and the rise of Rudy Giuliani, is the Republican Party moving to the center while the Democratic Party moves to the left?
That’s my nightmare scenario. Because the party of the center usually wins: witness Republicans in the 70s and 80s and Democrats in the 90s.
I’ve reassured myself that’s there no way the GOP will nominate a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, squishy-on-abortion presidential candidate. But why does Rudy keep leading the polls?
Now there’s more reason to worry because of
Everybody knows about
But not as many know about what Charlie Crist is doing to follow Jeb Bush in
The result: Crist has approval ratings in the 70s. And he’s being talked about as a national candidate – something the Austrian-born
Crist figured out how to win election in
When the other side starts stealing your issues, you can take it as a compliment. Or take it as a threat to be watched. We’d better watch.
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.