Beyond Our Reach
June 2, 2011 - by
The country’s in a muddle and here’s how we got in this mess: The Wall Street Masters of the Universe cross-pollinated with the Washington Politicians and gave birth to the ‘Housing Bubble’ – which burst.
As the economy sank the Politicians loudly blamed Wall Street but since, they said, the country couldn’t survive with no Wall Street they then bailed out the banks which made voters mad so next election they kicked the Washington Insiders (who at that time were Republicans) out of office – all Obama had to do to get elected was say, I’m not George Bush.
Next Obama and his crowd of Washington Insiders spent three trillion dollars on ‘Stimulus Funds’ and deficits but unemployment (if you disregard the government’s jiggered numbers) soared rather than dropped. So voters gave Obama’s Democratic Insiders the boot and elected three score new Senators and Congressmen and we heard a lot of talk about cutting spending but when the smoke cleared nothing changed. All Congress actually managed to cut (in the infamous Continuing Resolution Compromise that John Boehner ‘won’) was $360 million out of a $3.6 trillion budget. Or one dollar out of every thousand Congress spends.
Now our wise men all have cures for what ails our economy. Some want to tax millionaires. Some want to cut Medicare. Most want Congress to borrow less. But none have figured out how to get a Congressman to vote for a budget (with any real spending cuts) that is going to hurt him when he runs for re-election.

Beyond Our Reach
June 2, 2011/

The country’s in a muddle and here’s how we got in this mess: The Wall Street Masters of the Universe cross-pollinated with the Washington Politicians and gave birth to the ‘Housing Bubble’ – which burst.
As the economy sank the Politicians loudly blamed Wall Street but since, they said, the country couldn’t survive with no Wall Street they then bailed out the banks which made voters mad so next election they kicked the Washington Insiders (who at that time were Republicans) out of office – all Obama had to do to get elected was say, I’m not George Bush.
Next Obama and his crowd of Washington Insiders spent three trillion dollars on ‘Stimulus Funds’ and deficits but unemployment (if you disregard the government’s jiggered numbers) soared rather than dropped. So voters gave Obama’s Democratic Insiders the boot and elected three score new Senators and Congressmen and we heard a lot of talk about cutting spending but when the smoke cleared nothing changed. All Congress actually managed to cut (in the infamous Continuing Resolution Compromise that John Boehner ‘won’) was $360 million out of a $3.6 trillion budget. Or one dollar out of every thousand Congress spends.
Now our wise men all have cures for what ails our economy. Some want to tax millionaires. Some want to cut Medicare. Most want Congress to borrow less. But none have figured out how to get a Congressman to vote for a budget (with any real spending cuts) that is going to hurt him when he runs for re-election.