Beverly Lake’s Revenge
What is it about
Fifty years ago, the town north of
The professorial Lake taught law at
Today, 50 years later, another jihad against the public schools is coming out of
There is much high-minded rhetoric about returning religion to the classroom, which I am sure many Baptists believe.
But forgive me for a cynical suspicion that, once again, some people just don’t want their children to go to school with black children.
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Beverly Lake’s Revenge

What is it about
Fifty years ago, the town north of
The professorial Lake taught law at
Today, 50 years later, another jihad against the public schools is coming out of
There is much high-minded rhetoric about returning religion to the classroom, which I am sure many Baptists believe.
But forgive me for a cynical suspicion that, once again, some people just don’t want their children to go to school with black children.
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