Bev and New Year’s Resolutions
December 31, 2009 - by
At breakfast the other day, a friend pointed to his mocha and cinnamon-crunch bagel. “I’m doing this today because starting January 1 I’m losing 20 pounds,” he vowed.
I congratulated him. And wished him luck. That’s a hard resolution to keep; most resolvers fail.
But Governor Perdue has done it.
She recently confessed that she once packed 180-plus pounds on her small frame. That’s a lot of woman.
Her best friend after a week at the legislature was a bag of Doritos.
But – armed with discipline and, no doubt, a desire to look good in TV ads – she took the pounds off. And, hardest of all, kept them off.
She ought to use that story more – not to brag about her personal resolve, but as a metaphor for what state government needs to do and what all of us need to do.
The biggest budget buster – our society’s big bag of Doritos, if you will – is health care costs. Few things drive up health care costs more – for individuals, for families and for government.
If the Governor can do it, my friend can do it. And we can save big bucks.
Just don’t spend the savings on Doritos.
Happy New Year.
Bev and New Year’s Resolutions
December 31, 2009/
At breakfast the other day, a friend pointed to his mocha and cinnamon-crunch bagel. “I’m doing this today because starting January 1 I’m losing 20 pounds,” he vowed.
I congratulated him. And wished him luck. That’s a hard resolution to keep; most resolvers fail.
But Governor Perdue has done it.
She recently confessed that she once packed 180-plus pounds on her small frame. That’s a lot of woman.
Her best friend after a week at the legislature was a bag of Doritos.
But – armed with discipline and, no doubt, a desire to look good in TV ads – she took the pounds off. And, hardest of all, kept them off.
She ought to use that story more – not to brag about her personal resolve, but as a metaphor for what state government needs to do and what all of us need to do.
The biggest budget buster – our society’s big bag of Doritos, if you will – is health care costs. Few things drive up health care costs more – for individuals, for families and for government.
If the Governor can do it, my friend can do it. And we can save big bucks.
Just don’t spend the savings on Doritos.
Happy New Year.