Below the Belt
Supporters of an opponent, Russ Stephenson, set up a fake blog purporting to be by
To give you a taste of the tone, one of the fake postings was signed “Mary Fucking
There’s nothing new about campaign dirty tricks. Witness the Nixon crowd in the 70s. Or the pranks legendary trickster Dick Tuck played on Nixon in 1960.
There is a darker side, however: the doctored photographs in 1950 that purported to show Frank Porter Graham dancing with a black woman. And the fake middle-of-the-night phone calls to white voters from “The
I’m sure the anonymous
But the joke could backfire.
If I was running Mary Ann’s campaign, I’d send a mailing that brings the blog to the attention of every single voter. Ask a simple question: Is this the kind of politics you want in
If I was running Russ Stephenson’s campaign, I’d have him denounce the blog – fast. Silence is consent.
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Below the Belt

Supporters of an opponent, Russ Stephenson, set up a fake blog purporting to be by
To give you a taste of the tone, one of the fake postings was signed “Mary Fucking
There’s nothing new about campaign dirty tricks. Witness the Nixon crowd in the 70s. Or the pranks legendary trickster Dick Tuck played on Nixon in 1960.
There is a darker side, however: the doctored photographs in 1950 that purported to show Frank Porter Graham dancing with a black woman. And the fake middle-of-the-night phone calls to white voters from “The
I’m sure the anonymous
But the joke could backfire.
If I was running Mary Ann’s campaign, I’d send a mailing that brings the blog to the attention of every single voter. Ask a simple question: Is this the kind of politics you want in
If I was running Russ Stephenson’s campaign, I’d have him denounce the blog – fast. Silence is consent.
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.