Bad Week for Obama
You can feel the Obama balloon losing air.
This was a bad week for him. He got flattened by the Hillary Machine.
The Obama campaign had built up a big
Two reasons:
- Team Hillary stole Obama’s thunder just before he took the lectern by releasing news that her campaign – for the first time – had raised more money than he had.
- Plus, the speech was so yesterday, Barack.
Clearly, what the candidates did or said about the war five years ago does not matter – even to strongly antiwar Democrats.
The voters want to know what the candidates propose to do now about the war. And Hillary’s opponents have not been able to show – to paraphrase George Wallace –that there’s a dime’s worth of difference between them.
Obama’s fade is good news for John Edwards. But the media focus is on Edwards’s money woes, too, so he faces a challenge breaking through.
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Bad Week for Obama

You can feel the Obama balloon losing air.
This was a bad week for him. He got flattened by the Hillary Machine.
The Obama campaign had built up a big
Two reasons:
- Team Hillary stole Obama’s thunder just before he took the lectern by releasing news that her campaign – for the first time – had raised more money than he had.
- Plus, the speech was so yesterday, Barack.
Clearly, what the candidates did or said about the war five years ago does not matter – even to strongly antiwar Democrats.
The voters want to know what the candidates propose to do now about the war. And Hillary’s opponents have not been able to show – to paraphrase George Wallace –that there’s a dime’s worth of difference between them.
Obama’s fade is good news for John Edwards. But the media focus is on Edwards’s money woes, too, so he faces a challenge breaking through.
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