Bad Outcome for Democrats
August 4, 2011 - by
Democrats hoped the debt-ceiling narrative would play out like this: Tea Party extremists nearly drive America over the cliff.
Instead, it went like this: Government is broken and doesn’t work.
That’s a big problem for Democrats. Because voters see them as the government party and Republicans as the anti-government party.
Democrats always say: “But the people are with us on the issues.” True, polls show Americans agree that some people (not them) should pay higher taxes to solve our fiscal mess.
But politics is about emotion, not reason. And emotions are running high after this debacle.
So the likely outcome is to give Republicans a leg up on winning the White House and the Senate in 2012.

Bad Outcome for Democrats
August 4, 2011/

Democrats hoped the debt-ceiling narrative would play out like this: Tea Party extremists nearly drive America over the cliff.
Instead, it went like this: Government is broken and doesn’t work.
That’s a big problem for Democrats. Because voters see them as the government party and Republicans as the anti-government party.
Democrats always say: “But the people are with us on the issues.” True, polls show Americans agree that some people (not them) should pay higher taxes to solve our fiscal mess.
But politics is about emotion, not reason. And emotions are running high after this debacle.
So the likely outcome is to give Republicans a leg up on winning the White House and the Senate in 2012.