Rise and Fall

As Hurricane Helene ravaged the mountains, my wife and I were thousands of miles away, on a two-week trip to Turkey and Greece. We followed news of the devastation as we toured historic sites in Istanbul, Gallipoli, Ephesus, Rhodes, Crete, Athens, Mycenae and Delphi. We walked on the stones of ancient empires that rose and…

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Reaping What They Sowed

For decades, North Carolina Republicans have been bottom-feeding. With Mark Robinson, they hit bottom. Since the 1960s, they’ve opposed civil rights, voting rights and equal rights for anyone who suffered discrimination. Since Jesse Helms’ first election to Senate in 1972, they’ve appealed to hate, fear and racism. They’ve trolled the darkest depths of politics. Every…

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Blue NC?

Kamala Harris rode a post-debate wave into North Carolina last week. The media should stop asking if she can win the state. Clearly, she can. Even before the debate, polls showed her leading Trump here 49-46. Last March, Trump led President Biden by 5. An eight-point swing is huge in today’s polarized electorate. Then there’s…

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A Master Class

Kamala Harris could have done one thing better Tuesday night. Otherwise, it was a master class in debate prep and performance. She seemed nervous answering the first question: “When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?” She began, “So, I was raised as a…

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The split screens said it all, even when the mics were muted. Trump was angry, unhinged and afraid to look Kamala Harris in the eye. Harris was in command all night. It was the most dominating performance in the history of presidential debates since JFK won the very first one in 1960. It was the…

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Do TV Ads Work?

Josh Stein’s ads about Mark Robinson certainly worked. They worked because they defined Robinson early in the race and because they used the most devastating weapon in politics: Robinson himself on camera saying, “abortion in this country’s not about protecting the lives of mothers – it’s about killing a child because you weren’t responsible enough…

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Beware of Darkness

August was a month of joy and hope for Democrats. But darker days lie ahead. In September and October, politics – like the weather – will grow colder, darker and meaner. Republicans will do what they always do: appeal to hate and fear. They’ll run the dark TV ads and roll out the scary mailers…

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 Policy, Schmolicy

The media says Kamala Harris has to answer their questions about policy. No, she doesn’t. Harris has said more about policy in the last month than Trump has in nine years. She talked about policy in her economic speech in Raleigh and her acceptance speech at the Chicago convention. She spoke to every issue: cost…

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Flag, Family, Freedom and Football

Democrats have seized the symbols of American patriotism this election. Flags filled the hall the night Kamala Harris accepted the nomination (photo). She told the story of her family – and how she’ll fight for our families. She vowed to fight for freedom: “(W)hen Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom, as president of…

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Roy Raises the Roof

I’m old enough to remember when Democrats worried that Roy Cooper wasn’t a strong public speaker. Then there he was Thursday night: in the spotlight at the Democratic National Convention, the final speaker before Kamala Harris. He gave a rousing five-minute speech that brought the crowd roaring to its feet. He told how Harris, as…

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