Tweet defeat

Maybe Democrats should stop saying Trump should stop tweeting. He may be tweeting himself into a hole he can’t dig out of. This thought comes from Jim Messina, President Obama’s 2012 campaign manager, in Politico, “Trump’s Tweets Are Hurting Him With the Voters He Needs Most.” Messina wrote: “Progressives across the country should be driving…

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Giving thanks

During this Thanksgiving season, Democrats give thanks to the Republican Party for the gifts you’re giving us. Thanks for Trump, the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks to Trump for tweeting about Al Franken’s sexual-harassment incident – and reminding us that Trump has about 20. Thanks to Trump for scaring the bejeesus out of swing…

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Divisions within divisions

We’re not just divided between Blue America and Red America, Democrat and Republican, right and left. We’re divided within our own tribes. And the internal fights can be the angriest, meanest and most bitter of all. Three factors fuel our political – and social and cultural – fights: population patterns, gerrymandering and how we use…

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Take down your damn yard signs!

I may not get politicians to get past wasting money on yard signs. They’re like crack addicts.  But they at least could TAKE DOWN THEIR DAMN SIGNS AFTER THE ELECTION IS OVER!!! We’re talking about you, Nancy McFarlane and Charles Francis. Your unsightly, now-sagging signs are still cluttering rights-of-way.  In fairness, the Mayor’s election was…

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A tale of two cities

Prosperous, progressive and, yes, white West Raleigh prevailed over less-prosperous, left-out, left-behind and, yes, black East Raleigh in the mayor’s race. Now the job of newly reelected Mayor Nancy McFarlane and the new City Council is to bridge the divide. And that’s the challenge for North Carolina Democrats who hope for a replay of Virginia’s…

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Paul Ryan is right

“We’re with Trump,” he said after Tuesday’s elections. Indeed you are.  So is every Republican on the ballot next year. They’re lashed to Trump like Ahab to the whale. If they cross Trump, they lose a primary. If they’re with him, they lose the kind of suburban voters who made Tuesday a rout.  Now, Democrats…

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Boehner’s Boners

You need a break from Trump, Trump, Trump. So dive into this great (and long) read about what happened to Congress, Washington and the Republican Party over the last 25 years – told through the (famously weepy) eyes of former Speaker John Boehner: “John Boehner Unchained: The former House speaker feels liberated—but he’s also seething…

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Trying times for Trump

Monday’s indictments brought to mind the predictions a wise lawyer made this summer about the Trump-Russia investigation. First, he predicted, Mueller would investigate the people around Trump. If he found possible crimes, he would indict them and offer them a choice: Help the investigation or go to prison. (Twenty years for Manafort.) Then, the lawyer…

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Now what?

Two questions arise now that Manafort and an associate have been charged. Will Trump go full Nixon and fire Mueller? If so, will the Republican Congress stand up for the rule of law? All eyes on Burr and Tillis.

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Flake out

Jeff Flake said it’s time to stand up. Then he said he’ll step down. Bob Corker stood up to Trump, but he’s also stepping down. George W. Bush gave an eloquent speech. But W, Poppy and Low-Energy Jeb are history. John McCain gave a great speech. But he has nothing to lose. For all the…

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