The N&O leaves home

The N&O has left its old home, about the same time I stopped getting the paper at home. I hope the change works out for both of us. It may be tough for them. I hear money is tight there, and my going digital-only is a $470 hit to their revenues. Rob Christensen was right…

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Trump lies

Now, I could do a blog with that title every day. And I choose not to go down that path. But this is a special case. Who past the age of 10 fakes a doctor’s note? And who would write things like “he would without doubt be the healthiest individual ever elected President”? Just one,…

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How Democrats can lose

This is how Democrats can turn the much-hyped “blue wave” into barely a ripple. This is why I tell Republicans who fear a Democratic landslide this year, “Don’t worry. We’ll find a way to screw it up. We’ve got our best people working on it.” Equality NC says it won’t support Democratic legislators who voted…

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Good ol’ Pat

A recent death moved Gene Upchurch, a retired Progress Energy executive, to write this tribute: When I read the N&O’s obituary of Pat Taylor, the former lieutenant governor who died Sunday at the age of 94, it occurred to me that I might be the only person in the state who was actually hypnotized by…

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I renewed The N&O. Digital only

No blog I’ve ever done got more reaction than “Should I renew The N&O?” in February. A lot of readers told me how to get out of paying $600 a year. Threaten to cancel, they said, and you can negotiate a lower rate. Several people, one an old N&O hand, said they did cancel –…

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Impeachable sources

You don’t have to be a Junior G-Man to be wary of James Comey. After all, he was the American League MVP in Trump’s election, thanks to his late hit on Hillary Clinton. (Vladimir Putin and Cambridge Analytica tied for Foreign League MVP.) Still, Comey is right about two things: (1) Trump is “morally unfit”…

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The week that was

This is how fast things move in Trump Times. On Monday federal agents raided the office, home and hotel room of Trump’s lawyer. Then Trump ranted that it’s an attack on America. He might shut down the investigations and fire everybody. That raised the threat grew of a constitutional and political bloodbath. Somewhere in there…

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Silent Sam and Senator Sam

Two thoughtful readers with differing views on Confederate memorials passed along dueling viewpoints – one from the late Senator Sam Ervin and the other about Silent Sam at UNC-Chapel Hill. Reading both suggests where Confederal memorials should be and where they shouldn’t be. Senator Sam Senator Ervin spoke in August 1965 at the dedication of…

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Trump doesn’t just get his news from Fox, he’s getting his advisors from there. It’s worth reading, then, what one now-former Fox commentator says about Fox Fake News. Ralph Peters, a retired Army lieutenant colonel who commented on military affairs, quit Fox. He fired a parting salvo calling Fox “a mere propaganda machine for a…

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What is the Democratic message?

State Rep. Graig Meyer posed that question to Governor Roy Cooper – and posted a video of the Governor’s response. Below is a lightly edited transcript. Meyer began by asking, “What are the values that make you a Democrat?” Cooper: “Well, I got my values growing up in eastern North Carolina. I’m a person of…

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