Tax Cuts or Better Schools?

It’s a long-running debate with long-running impact on North Carolina: cut taxes or improve education? This year, again, the Republican-controlled legislature is set on cutting taxes and starving public schools, even with a $3 billion-plus surplus that could significantly raise the quality of education. For 60 years, the state made a series of different decisions.…

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Biden’s Age: The Kid is All Right

I’m old enough to know the problems an 80-year-old man can face. I get why Democrats worry. The gait stiffens, hearing gets iffy and words – names! – can be elusive. But old people know a lot that young people don’t. We know, first of all, what it’s like to be young. Young people don’t…

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The Man from Plains

Jimmy Carter burst onto America my first year in politics, 1976. I had just joined Jim Hunt’s first campaign for governor. Democrats here feared 1976 would be a repeat of 1968 and 1972, when liberal, Northern presidential nominees, Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern, sank the party in the South. Then came Carter. He was different…

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Fox News, Fake News

They knew it was a lie. They knew Biden won and Trump lost. But they told the lie anyway, nightly and relentlessly. The Fox News crowd – Rupert Murdoch, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham – knew that Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and their crazy conspiracy claims were a crock. They emailed each other…

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Don’t Give Up

A Democratic legislator said something that struck me: “Feeling helpless is Democrats’ biggest problem in North Carolina.” Many Democrats are depressed and discouraged, or angry and frustrated, by 2022 – losing the US Senate and Supreme Court races and seeing Republicans get a near-supermajority in the legislature. Those feelings fueled the state party upheaval last…

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Take Me Away

Sometimes I wonder why I watch the nightly news. Earthquakes killed more than 35,000 people in Turkey and Syria. Aid was slow in coming, and builders are blamed for shoddy construction. Russia launched a new offensive. Ukrainian forces, short of ammunition, fell back. Several US airliners had near crashes and collisions. A train carrying dangerous…

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The Goodwin House Gets a Shakeup

If Anderson Clayton can infuse North Carolina Democrats with the energy, optimism and aggressiveness of her insurgent campaign for state party chair, 2024 can be a good year. The first vice chair, former state Sen. Floyd McKissick, also was ousted, by Jonah Garson. Kimberly Hardy defeated incumbent second vice chair Matt Hughes. Garson and Hardy…

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Bully Bill

The “Parents’ Bill of Rights” should be renamed the “Bullying Bill of Rights.” Yes, parents should be involved in their children’s schools. But any good in the bill the North Carolina Senate passed last week is outweighed by the harm to LGBTQ+ students. Sen. Lisa Grafstein, D-Wake, (pictured) said, “no matter the intent, the consequence…

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Erskine Bowles and the Community Woodpile

The best thing about blogging again is reconnecting with old friends. Like Erskine Bowles, who emailed to welcome Carter and me back. In 2004, I worked in Erskine’s unsuccessful race against Richard Burr for Senate. Erskine and I had a rocky relationship then. I pushed him to do things he wasn’t comfortable with, like running…

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Can Democrats Go Country?

As North Carolina Democrats elect a state chair this weekend, three divides emerge: young/old, rural/Raleigh and grassroots/headquarters. Two contrasting candidates are 73-year-old incumbent chair Bobbie Richardson, who defends the party’s 2022 performance, and 25-year-old Anderson Clayton (pictured), who says the party should do more at the grassroots and in rural areas. One young Democrat texted…

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