Posts by Gary Pearce
On Wisconsin!
“Fight, fight, fight, we’ll win this game.” – From “On Wisconsin,” school fight song. While North Carolina Democrats seethed over a party-switcher, Wisconsin Democrats celebrated a landmark election victory. They elected a progressive, Janet Protasiewicz, to the Supreme Court by a ten-point margin. She will dramatically shift the court’s rulings on abortion, gerrymandering and 2024…
Read MoreHe’s No Reagan
Watching Trump’s rambling, raging Mar-a-Lago speech Tuesday night, I was reminded at first of another Republican President whose hair had an unnatural tint. But Trump is no Ronald Reagan. I didn’t care much for Reagan, but I liked one thing: He had a sunny, optimistic vision of America. In his farewell address, he called it…
Read MoreParty Pooper
NC Rep. Tricia Cotham managed to make big news the same day Donald Trump was hauled into a criminal courtroom. She joined a list of prominent, if not distinguished, North Carolina Democrats who switched parties – or loyalties. They all say it’s about principle, but it’s always more about pique, personal ambition and a power…
Read MoreThe Edwards Case
The News & Observer ran a story headlined “Trump case recalls John Edwards’ scandal in NC.” Edwards’s prosecutor was a Republican, then-US Attorney George Holding. Holding later resigned to run for Congress, was elected and served four terms. In 2012, Politico reported, “Holding conceded that the facts in Edwards’s case—payments made by political backers to…
Read MoreHope
Trump’s porn star/hush money/fraud indictment brings hope and fear. Hope that the law finally will catch up with him, that Republican primary voters finally will turn against him and that, even if he wins the nomination, he’ll lose the election so badly he’ll lead the GOP to its worst shellacking since the post-Watergate election of…
Read MoreNick
The Galifianakis most North Carolinians know today is actor-comedian Zach. For politicos of a certain age, Galifianakis is Nick, Zach’s uncle and a former congressman from Durham who lost a Senate race to Jesse Helms in 1972. Nick died this week, at age 94. Rob Christensen, long-time political reporter for The News & Observer, wrote…
Read MoreSchools, Politics and AR-15s
A Raleigh mother said, “my 13-year-old just asked if she could lie in bed with me tonight for a while because she is scared about the school shootings and drills they have to practice.” A teacher told me she and her colleagues are ready to put themselves in front of their students if a shooter…
Read MoreFeeding the Beast
Republicans made a deal with the devil 60 years ago, and the devil has come to collect. In 1964, Barry Goldwater turned the party of Lincoln into the party that opposed civil rights. In 1968, Richard Nixon followed Strom Thurmond’s Southern Strategy to the White House. In 1972, Nixon helped elect North Carolina’s Jesse Helms…
Read MoreThe Real Mark Robinson
Lt. Governor Mark Robinson’s “response” to Governor Roy Cooper’s State of the State – it actually was pre-taped – was choreographed to make him seem reasonable and responsible. Then he spoke at Trinity Baptist Church in Mooresville one recent Sunday. He unleashed, again, on LGBTQ people – and on pastors who welcome them: “Makes me…
Read MoreFolwell’s Folly
Dale Folwell threw his hat in the ring and his head in Mark Robinson’s buzzsaw. Folwell is state treasurer, so he should know math. The math doesn’t look good for him. A December poll showed Robinson beating Folwell 60-6 in a Republican primary for governor. When he announced his candidacy this weekend, Folwell said, “They’re…
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