Posts by Gary Pearce
Dem Blues
While the media obsesses over Anderson Clayton’s age, Democrats should focus on her message. The state Democratic party chair told The New York Times: “People with me all the time are like, ‘I wish you’d stop saying we’ve left Democrats behind.’ I’m like: ‘We have. We’ve left people behind’.” She’s right. Democrats have lost touch…
Read MoreSupremely Corrupt
The nation’s high court has sunk to new lows of corruption. Clarence Thomas is bought and paid for by billionaire Harlan Crow: gifts, trips and private-school tuition. The New York Times exposed another scheme that benefits conservative Justices and wealthy special interests. It’s the Antonin Scalia (wouldn’t you know it) Law School at George Mason…
Read MoreThe Age Thing
The Washington media is all wrong on this Biden age “issue.” Did you catch him at the White House Correspondents Dinner? He’s still got game. Will the media put the age scope on 76-year-old Trump? Have you watched him haul his butt out of a golf cart? Or struggle to construct a coherent thought? Ageism…
Read MoreAbortion 2024
MAGA Mark Robinson said he’s “tired” of talking about abortion. Maybe he’d rather make fun of school-shooting survivors (see link below). North Carolina Republicans hope the abortion issue will go away by next year’s elections. Democrats won’t let it go. Governor Cooper’s veto will put heat on Republican legislators who promised not to do this.…
Read MoreSowing the Wind
Politicians with too much power always go too far. In less than 24 hours, North Carolina House Republicans rammed through a far-reaching abortion ban. It’s 46 pages long, and we barely grasp its consequences. It’s a radical, right-wing assault on women. It criminalizes health-care professionals. It outlaws safe, sound and responsible medical care. Thank Tricia…
Read MoreCleta Mitchell is Worried
Two people from my political past are battling over college students voting. Cleta Mitchell wants to make it harder for them to vote. Daniel Gilligan wants to make it easier. Daniel was a student in a politics class I taught at NC State 20 years ago as an adjunct lecturer. (I think “adjunct” is Latin…
Read MoreFox Poll on Guns
If you don’t watch Fox News, you may have missed its poll on guns: “Voters favor gun limits over arming citizens to reduce gun violence.” The April 21-24 nationwide survey found: This time, Fox News isn’t fake news. Yet, Congress and the North Carolina legislature will do nothing. Thank the NRA.
Read MoreKnock, knock. Bang, bang
Across the county, innocent people – including children and teenagers – are getting shot for ringing the wrong doorbell or turning into the wrong driveway. A reader asks: “Who in the world would want to do Meals on Wheels, sell Girl Scout cookies or knock on doors to campaign?” Don’t ask me to do any…
Read MoreFamily Feud
Our dysfunctional American family is picking a leader again, and we’re all tore up. My side of the family thinks Grandpa Joe has done a grand job. He fixed up the house nicely. He handles the dangerous neighbors on the next block with a firm, steady hand. We worry he’s a bit shaky at 80,…
Read MoreDefund the Schools?
The legislature’s expansion of private-school vouchers fulfills a nearly 70-year-old dream of North Carolina’s far-right. Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court declared segregated schools unconstitutional in 1954, ultra-conservatives here have wanted to replace integrated public schools with all-white private schools. Leading the charge back then were avowed segregationists I. Beverly Lake (pictured) and Tom Ellis.…
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