Attack Machine
November 17, 2011 - by
Democratic oppo researchers should be reveling in what Dome called Pat McCrory’s “shout out” to Heather Lusordo:
“I just think unwarranted personal attacks against you hurt our democratic system. I feel for your and your family for what you had to go through. I commend you for the courage to stand up to it. Regardless of whether you are Democrat or Republican, it doesn’t make any difference to me. No one deserves some of the personal attacks you went through.”
That’s the kind of quote researchers will post on their walls.
Now, I don’t recall McCrory being offended by personal attacks against President Obama or Governor Perdue in 2008.
I do recall the same kind of whining from Democrats back in the 1980s when Carter, Tom Ellis and the Congressional Club were pounding Democratic candidates with negative attacks.
As for Lusordo, get real. If you get into politics today – especially a hot, high-profile race – you better expect somebody to comb through your past. If you worked in a gentlemen’s club, clothed or not, it’s going to be made public. If you make a questionable claim on your resume, it’s going to be made public. You’d better strap on your pads and helmet.
There’s no hiding anything. And neither party can – or should – claim otherwise.
So get a bulldog researcher to scour your past for your – before you opponent does.

Attack Machine
November 17, 2011/

Democratic oppo researchers should be reveling in what Dome called Pat McCrory’s “shout out” to Heather Lusordo:
“I just think unwarranted personal attacks against you hurt our democratic system. I feel for your and your family for what you had to go through. I commend you for the courage to stand up to it. Regardless of whether you are Democrat or Republican, it doesn’t make any difference to me. No one deserves some of the personal attacks you went through.”
That’s the kind of quote researchers will post on their walls.
Now, I don’t recall McCrory being offended by personal attacks against President Obama or Governor Perdue in 2008.
I do recall the same kind of whining from Democrats back in the 1980s when Carter, Tom Ellis and the Congressional Club were pounding Democratic candidates with negative attacks.
As for Lusordo, get real. If you get into politics today – especially a hot, high-profile race – you better expect somebody to comb through your past. If you worked in a gentlemen’s club, clothed or not, it’s going to be made public. If you make a questionable claim on your resume, it’s going to be made public. You’d better strap on your pads and helmet.
There’s no hiding anything. And neither party can – or should – claim otherwise.
So get a bulldog researcher to scour your past for your – before you opponent does.