As If By Magic
May 16, 2012 - by
Awhile back, like incubi of old, mischievous Anony-mices descended on the News and Observer’s website and set up camp; giving themselves colorful names (the way wrestlers on TV do) like Tarheel Crusher, Yosephus and Agent Pierce (who describes himself as Agent Pierce, News Personality, Legendary Cyber Commando) they set about tormenting any hapless victim who happened by.
Before the Primary when the News and Observer reported George Holding had a poll showing him leading Paul Coble by a dozen points a coven of Pachyderm Anony-mices congregated on Under the Dome, piping George and I were liars and worse and they were still carrying on four days later. Then a cohort of Liberal Anony-mices wandered by and in seconds George and I were forgotten and the two tribes were tearing one another to shreds.
Awhile back the Anony-mices got to be such a nuisance News and Observer Editor John Drescher, perhaps in the hope that ending anonymous blog posting would lead to more civility, wrote a column offering to buy ‘Agent Pierce, News Personality’ lunch if he’d post his devilment under his own name but the legendary Cyber Commando declined.
But there is an ablution. Imagine this: Tomorrow morning when the Anony-mices open the newspaper there on the front page is a list of their monikers and, as if by magic, beside their pseudonyms are their real names.
Are you listening Yosephus, Tarheel Crusher and Agent Pierce? It could happen… tomorrow.

As If By Magic
May 16, 2012/

Awhile back, like incubi of old, mischievous Anony-mices descended on the News and Observer’s website and set up camp; giving themselves colorful names (the way wrestlers on TV do) like Tarheel Crusher, Yosephus and Agent Pierce (who describes himself as Agent Pierce, News Personality, Legendary Cyber Commando) they set about tormenting any hapless victim who happened by.
Before the Primary when the News and Observer reported George Holding had a poll showing him leading Paul Coble by a dozen points a coven of Pachyderm Anony-mices congregated on Under the Dome, piping George and I were liars and worse and they were still carrying on four days later. Then a cohort of Liberal Anony-mices wandered by and in seconds George and I were forgotten and the two tribes were tearing one another to shreds.
Awhile back the Anony-mices got to be such a nuisance News and Observer Editor John Drescher, perhaps in the hope that ending anonymous blog posting would lead to more civility, wrote a column offering to buy ‘Agent Pierce, News Personality’ lunch if he’d post his devilment under his own name but the legendary Cyber Commando declined.
But there is an ablution. Imagine this: Tomorrow morning when the Anony-mices open the newspaper there on the front page is a list of their monikers and, as if by magic, beside their pseudonyms are their real names.
Are you listening Yosephus, Tarheel Crusher and Agent Pierce? It could happen… tomorrow.