The war between James Carville and Howard Dean reflects a long-running divide inside the Democratic Party. I suspect Republicans suffer it, too. Carville speaks for the political pros – the consultants, pollsters and media mavens. Dean speaks for the grassroots – the state chairs, county chairs and precinct chairs. The battle is over money. The…
Read MoreNow that House Democrats saved Nancy Pelosi from the self-inflicted wound of John Murtha, it’s time to take up real ethics reform. Nobody has made that case better Bruce Thompson, who I think is one of Raleigh’s best lawyer-lobbyists. He’s also a good Democrat, I should add. Bruce wrote an op-ed in Monday’s Charlotte Observer…
Read MoreI hereby declare a Democratic victory in the much-hyped Pelosi/Murtha affair. Here’s why: Pelosi stuck by Murtha because he helped her and stood up to Bush on Iraq. Loyalty is good. But the Democratic caucus rejected Murtha because he’s not good on ethics. Ethics are good. And the Democrats showed they’re independent, not beaten-down sheep…
Read MoreI hereby declare a Democratic victory in the much-hyped Pelosi/Murtha affair. Here’s why: Pelosi stuck by Murtha because he helped her and stood up to Bush on Iraq. Loyalty is good. But the Democratic caucus rejected Murtha because he’s not good on ethics. Ethics are good. And the Democrats showed they’re independent, not beaten-down sheep…
Read MoreNancy Pelosi got off to a good start after Election Day. But she’s about to blow it. Here is hoping the Democratic caucus saves her from herself today. What is she thinking: Supporting the ethically challenged John Murtha for the No. 2 caucus position? The man who told the Abscam bribers he wasn’t interested “at…
Read MoreThe talk-show blowhards want to know if Republicans and Democrats can work together in Washington. I want to know if Democrats can work together.Senator Charles Shumer and Congressman Rahm Emanual did a smart thing: They put winning ahead of ideological purity. They recruited candidates like: Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, who is pro-life. Health Shuler in…
Read MoreWhy not get out of Iraq now? Immediately. No phased withdrawal. No graceful exit. No fig-leaf of victory. Here’s the first argument: Iraq will fall into chaos. Well, it’s already in chaos. Argument No. 2: America will be humiliated in the world. Could we be more humiliated? Actually, I’m not sure getting out is right.…
Read MoreThere is a theory about that The News & Observer/WRAL pre-election poll on the Wake County school bonds lulled opponents into complacency and spurred supporters to victory. Whether or not it did, the newspaper needs to take a hard look at why the poll was so far wrong. The explanation by the pollster – Del…
Read MoreThis has nothing to do with politics. The News and Observer reports (10-25-06) two scientists have determined millions of years ago the Amazon River flowed in the opposite direction. I know it’s akin to heresy to question anything scientific but, sometimes, it’s hard not to wonder about scientists. How can they be so certain what…
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