So much for Bev Perdue’s no more negative attacks pledge. She just called Richard Moore, Jesse Helms – which is about as mean a charge as you can lay on a fellow in a Democratic Primary. Then, in case anyone missed her point, she added Moore (who attacked for her for voting, twenty-years ago, against…
Read MoreThat didn’t take long. The party of Lincoln jumped right into Jesse Helms-era race-baiting this week. And we found out just what a tough, strong, effective leader John McCain is. He can’t even get a state Republican Party to take down an ad. Or maybe his demand that the ad be pulled came with a…
Read MoreWhile the political world focused on Pennsylvania Tuesday, Bev Perdue’s supporters gave a sigh of relief. She survived the live TV debate with Richard Moore. Her campaign has gone to great lengths to minimize her unscripted appearances – in debates and with the media. Her handlers’ lack of confidence is palpable. Moore was surprisingly mild…
Read MoreThe NC GOP has an ad attacking Barack Obama, playing a videotape of Reverend Jeremiah Wright saying, “Goddamn America.” John McCain says he wants the ad pulled. Now. Because, ‘It’s degrading.’ And, no doubt, a lot of people will agree. Because the ad touches racial chords. So, a lot of people will want this debate…
Read MorePennsylvania is over – finally. I’m sick and tired of Chris Matthews telling me how smart “Eddie Rendell” is. So now North Carolina is the biggest state left. Bill Clinton is back today. Hillary and Barack are coming. The New York Times, the networks, the bigfeet and the bloggers are scoping us out for colorful…
Read MoreImagine this. Obi-wan Obama the zen-master sitting Buddha-like, voice a calming balm, is giving an interview. Interviewer: What about the war on terrorism? Obi-wan: We can save the planet. Interviewer: What about the war in Iraq? Obi-wan: We can end a war. Interviewer: What about corruption and rising unemployment and soaring gas prices and…? Obi-wan:…
Read MoreI read in one of the newspapers awhile back (I can’t recall exactly which one) the governor likes to leave Friday for his beach-home, return Monday, and in between spend as much time (after hours) as possible on his hobby, woodworking in the basement of the Governor’s Mansion. Don’t get me wrong, one of the…
Read MoreWhen he gets back from Italy, Governor Easley needs to end this no-win email war with the media. The fight has poisoned his relationships with the media, especially The News & Observer. It led to a lawsuit. And he’s been put on the defensive. The longer this goes on, the more distractions he will face,…
Read MoreLet’s suppose you agree with Bev Perdue’s sudden conversion to campaign ads that are all positive, all the time. You believe candidates’ ads should be about themselves and never, never, ever even so much as mention their opponents. Now let’s suppose you are an adviser to Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama for the fall campaign…
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