Horror of horrors, John Edwards is back in the newspaper the second day in a row. This time he has flown all the way to San Francisco to find a safe haven to debate Karl Rove. One thing Edwards is not doing is taking any risks by talking to the press. (I guess the National…
Read MoreSometimes politicians just can’t help being politicians, which, most times, means they can’t help gilding the lily or coloring the truth, even when they don’t need to. Kay Hagan is dropping her lawsuit against Elizabeth Dole. Want to guess why? For the good of the people of North Carolina. Now, why couldn’t Hagan just say,…
Read MoreYou will recall that George W. Bush was going to give America the “MBA Presidency.” Apparently, that turned out to mean “Management by A–holes.” The Republicans were done in by the Bush team’s incompetent management of Iraq, Katrina and the economy. Ironically, the Obama campaign – and, so far, the transition – holds the competence…
Read MoreYou will recall that George W. Bush was going to give America the “MBA Presidency.” Apparently, that turned out to mean “Management by A–holes.” The Republicans were done in by the Bush team’s incompetent management of Iraq, Katrina and the economy. Ironically, the Obama campaign – and, so far, the transition – holds the competence…
Read MoreBack in 2005, when 90% of the students in Wake County Schools passed state achievement exams, the New York Times ran an article lauding our world-class schools, attributing their success to the School Board’s ‘diversity’ policy. Well, last week, our world-class schools vanished into thin air. It turns out for years, critics have been criticizing…
Read MoreGovernor-elect Bev Perdue is wrestling with two public images. One is the picture in Sunday’s N&O of her with Marc Basnight, with Basnight looming over her. The other is her vow election night to make a “fresh start.” Her speech was odd. She sounded tired, even touchy. She reprimanded the crowd for not listening. Clearly,…
Read MoreThe morning newspaper was a blow to Obama supporters and the legions of young people who just voted for change: Because in the Obama administration, lobbyists are in. Back during the campaign Obama excoriated lobbyists by saying, “They won’t find a job in my White House” – but his post-election transition team is welcoming them…
Read MoreWhat’s the definition of penance in modern American politics? We now know exactly. It’s three months without speaking into a TV camera. Three months ago, John Edwards confessed to an affair with a blonde aide, did one TV interview, then announced he’d said all he had to say about that and pulled up the drawbridge…
Read MoreA young, fresh Democratic underdog upsets an older, entrenched Republican United States Senator. North Carolina Democrats take heart. Washington welcomes a promising new face. Today it’s Kay Hagan. Ten years ago this month it was John Edwards. Today Edwards gives speeches and the questions are pre-screened. Of course, the hosts insist, it has nothing to…
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