Well, even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then; a year ago Republicans couldnât buy a break and now gifts are falling out of the sky â of all things, Mrs. Easley is going to contest her dismissal from NCSU. Itâs amazing: After her âwooden Indianâ press conference it seemed a safe…
Read MoreMy guess is hardly anyone reading this blog remembers when the movie Deep Throat came out 37 years ago – but there was an article about it in the paper last Saturday. Some sleuth has figured out that back in 1972 (when I was nineteen) the FBI moved heaven and earth to keep the…
Read MoreThat old Watergate adage may dictate the 2010 elections. Democrats – both in Raleigh and Washington – may follow the money straight to big-time mid-term defeats. Sometimes at the beach, two waves merge together to make a big wave that about drowns you. That may happen next year. Nationally, the NBC/Wall Street…
Read MoreSenator Doug Berger’s blooper is going on television. When Senator Berger passed a bill to cut the home care of 20,000 elderly Medicaid patients, he said he had a study that proved they weren’t eligible for care. Period. Well, it turns out, over a month ago the Department of Health and Human Resources told Senator…
Read MoreNo one seems to drive a true-blue liberal up the wall like Dick Cheney;—just about all Cheney has to do is walk into a room and say, Hello. How are you? and folks like columnist Rick Horowitz go wild-eyed and lose control. The other day Horowitz lit into Cheney, first giving former President Bush…
Read MoreWhat are they serving these days at governor’s conferences and Senate caucuses? Viagra? Eliot Spitzer, John Edwards, David Vitter, John Ensign and now Mark Sanford. One story has it that Sanford’s staff merely misunderstood him. They thought he said he would be “on the Appalachian Trial,” but he actually said “on some Argentine…
Read MoreMrs. Easley’s lost her scholastic robes and left the stage at NCSU to a communal sigh of relief;—but there’s an important question left unanswered: Who pulled the strings to get her the job? After all, when someone robs a bank, gets caught and gives back part of the money they don’t get a medal…
Read MoreSome people never seem to learn and Democratic Senator Doug Berger is looking like a case in point. State Senator Berger, who back in his student days at Chapel Hill signed up for something called the ‘Democratic Socialists of America,’ is now head of the Senate Sub-Committee on Health Care. The other day, after…
Read MoreRichard Vinroot is right: How can the legislature tax the services of mechanics and hairdressers, but not lawyers? Of course, lawyers write the tax legislation. But Democrats are getting themselves into enough political trouble without being elitist, too. Governor Perdue is on her “Save the Schools – and My Poll Ratings” tour. Democrats in the…
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No, Trump’s blitzkrieg hasn’t left Democrats hapless, hopeless and rudderless. Here’s one example of the immense…
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