Walter Dalton beat Bill Faison like a drum in the Democratic primary. But Dalton could learn something from Faison’s ability to boil down an issue – and an attack – to its essence. Or, as one old Southern politician said, “he gets the hay down where the goats can reach it.” Example is Faison’s tweet…
Read MoreIt came as a surprise to open the newspaper and read that the United Nations, dead set on one world government, is on the verge of taking away our ‘property rights’ here in North Carolina through a cabal called ‘Agenda 21’ – which, as soon as unsuspecting local officials are done implementing it, will let…
Read MoreRepublicans are determined to define themselves as hard-hearted – and hypocritical. They give two explanations for cutting out $10 million to compensate people who were forcibly sterilized by the state. The first is: We can’ afford it. Let’s figure here. The budget is $20 billion. $200 million is 1 percent of that. So…
Read MoreHouse Speaker Thom Tillis is not exactly this legislature’s MVP. First came his staff “play to play” scandal. Then came news of his costly town-hall entourage. Today he said that his inability to get $10 million in eugenics-victim compensation is “a personal failure.” Here’s some free political advice, Mr. Speaker: Never admit you failed.…
Read MoreIt’s a sad fact but there’re not many farmers left these days and even back in the old days when I was a boy I don’t recall ever meeting a Jewish farmer and if I’d ever needed to go looking for one (or any other kind of farmer for that matter) the last place on…
Read MorePolitico the Washington super-blog reports that on the sixth floor of an office building in Chicago there’re ‘150 techies’ working night and day to reelect President Obama by doing ‘data mining’ which may sound as stimulating as watching paint dry but consider two facts: President Obama now has 27 million ‘Facebook Followers’ (to Mitt…
Read MoreWas the N&O’s front-page story on “lettergate” overblown? The story referred repeatedly to “false letters.” What was false? Apparently, this sentence: “Funds are needed in this budget cycle” for two highway projects. Members of Governor Perdue’s staff inserted that line. Jim Trogdon of DOT, whose signature was added to the letters electronically, didn’t…
Read MoreSometime awhile back the State appointed a Commission of Scientists who set to work to figure out how much the seas are rising and last week the commission announced its conclusion: Science proves the Atlantic Ocean is going to rise exactly 39 inches (over the next century) and if the folks in Morehead City and…
Read MorePolitical reporters are like flocks of birds. One bird flies to a wire, and every bird flies to the same wire. One national political reporter writes a story about Obama’s problems in North Carolina, and every national political reporter writes the same story. The latest story to cause the Obama campaign heartburn came from…
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